We create stunning animations and photography.
Taking your product we help you come up with an idea and bring it to reality.
We don't just 'point and shoot', our services include designing and building props, miniatures, sets, and more.
From first script to the final frame, we’re focused on bringing your story to your audience through simple but beautifully crafted animations.
What can a stop motion animation studio bring to the table?
With an array of hand crafted props and the fact that the technique involves moving objects from frame to frame by hand, stop motion builds a genuine connection with the audience in an instant.
Short and sweet, animated ads are optimised for algorithms and attentions spans. The technical output is the same as for videos, hence the algorithm gods favour this medium just the same.
Whether it's a product or a service, stop frame animations can tell a story in a short space of time. It's a particularly great assets when there is a complex service that needs explaining, customers need to be educated or brands are looking for an outside of the box approach.